Hop on the Shawl Design Unraveled waitlist TODAY!

Shawl Design Unraveled

Shawl Design Unraveled

Regular price $397.00
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You don't need a background in fashion, design, or even need to be a master knitter to design your first pattern! We are going to break down the basics to designing shawls, and then the world is at your fingertips (or needles!).

Shawl Design Unraveled is a premium course that combines a fill in the blank workbook, online classes, a supportive community, and weekly group coaching sessions to take you from "I don't know what I'm doing!" to "Holy cow! Look at what I made" in just six weeks!

Once you sign up for the course, you'll receive an e-mail with a welcome message (be sure to open it up!) and a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be easy and will really help me to get to know you better!

Next, on September 30th (the official kick off date!), check your email again for a personalized message, your workbook, and all the details on how to get started in our virtual community! 

I can't wait to see you there!