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Do you really need a mailing list for your fiber business?

 Here are 7 reasons why I say "ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!" I get it, growing and maintaining a mailing list sounds like a pain. On top of everything else you have to do as a #solopreneur, is having a mailing list worth it? And how does one go about growing it? Let’s break it down. This post does contain one referral link and I may earn a small commission when you click on the link at no additional cost to you. What is an e-mail/mailing list? An e-mail list is a list of names and email addresses of people that GAVE YOU PERMISSION to send them updates and promotions from your business (READ: They want to hear what you have to say, and...

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What is yarn support and how do I get it?

Can I hear a ‘Heck Yes!” to free yarn? Wait…that’s what yarn support is, isn’t it? Sorta. It’s actually a bit more complicated than that, but it’s a deal that can be really good for both the designer and dyer. Curious? Read on. Have you heard a fellow designer talk about “yarn support” or seen a successful collab between a dyer and a designer on Instagram? What does that truly mean? When you are working on a design, you can ask a yarn company for “yarn support” (or sometimes they will approach you!) as a form of collaboration. Typically, you will receive yarn for free, you’ll design with the yarn, and both you AND the dyer will work together to...

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I know I need a technical editor, but now what do I do?

“Ashleigh, your last post about needing at technical editor just wasn’t gritty enough” “I know I need a technical editor, but now what? “How do I actually find an editor that I like and trust?” I get it. I got a lot of feedback that one of my last posts just wasn’t good enough. The whole purpose of this blog and site in general is to kickstart your knitwear design business, and I didn’t quite deliver. Feedback is a BEAUTIFUL thing! Every time I hear from one of my readers (even if it is critical) — I do a little happy dance! Because that means YOU care and are ready to learn more. (Btw, if you want to read the...

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6 Reasons You Need a Technical Editor for Your Knitting Pattern Design Business

Technical editors are worth their weight in gold Before we go into the list, here is what technical editors do:  In a nutshell, they make sure you’re consistent in your writing, they find errors in stitch counts and sizing, they check your spelling and grammar, and can suggest ways to make patterns flow better. It’s a super power. 1. As a writer, you can never see your own mistakes (it doesn’t matter how good you are at writing). Technical editors are the equivalent of writing editors for journalists or authors. A book author would never publish a book without getting it edited, and neither should a pattern designer -- it doesn’t matter if you have a degree in English and...

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How do I publish a "knitworthy" knitting pattern?

I get asked this all the time: “How do I actually publish a knitworthy pattern?” Publishing a pattern that others will want to recreate takes effort, no doubt, but it is completely doable. Just break it down into five steps… do each one and you’ll be off to the races! I’m going to start off with a pretty high level intro, and then we’ll be breaking it down in detail over the coming weeks. 1. Write that Pattern Down! Brilliant ideas are no good stuck in your head! Sketch out your idea, swatch it, knit it up, and write the pattern. This is the longest and most time consuming (but most worthwhile!) part in the the whole design process. You...

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