Registration begins on September 15th and Shawl Design Unraveled Kicks Off on September 30th!

Get on the waitlist today!

Imagine if six weeks from now you had a shawl pattern designed by YOU in your hands ready to publish!

I'd be pretty darn proud of you!

Your first shawl design can be as simple as making chocolate chip cookies...

You don't need a background in fashion, design, or even need to be a master knitter to design your first pattern! We are going to break down the basics to designing shawls, and then the world is at your fingertips (or needles!).

Go from "I don't know where to begin!" to "Holy cow! Look at what I created!"

Shawl Design Unraveled is a premium course that combines not only online lessons, fill in the blank worksheets and checklists, style guides, and Canva templates, plus a supportive community, and live weekly group coaching sessions to cheer you on as you learn to design a shawl from scratch.

We will go through the entire process from dreaming up the idea, writing the pattern and creating to getting the pattern ready to be technical edited, test knit, and ultimately published (if you so choose!)

Plus, you have the opportunity to schedule two one hour sessions with me to work through any areas that you might need a bit of extra attention.

We've all been there... the dreaded knitter's block.

You have beautiful yarn, your favorite needles, and you just don't know what to make or where to start. You can't find what you want to make on Ravelry (or Pinterest, or Instagram).

You've got an itch to create and maybe design something, but...

The doubts start creeping in...
Where do I place my increases?
What shape will I make?
Will knitters even like what I'm designing?
Someone probably already made my idea...
So, you put your needles away and go back to watching Grey's Anatomy.

Let's kick analysis paralysis in the behind and START KNITTING.

Shawl Design Unraveled will not only hold your hand as you navigate designing your first shawl, but it will also provide a community where we are just as thrilled as you are EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!⁠

And, when I say, we'll be doing everything together, I mean it!

Over the course of six weeks (it sounds like a long time, but it really isn't -- I built in LOTS of knitting time), we will all take an idea from random thought in our heads to "GOSH DARN WORLD, LOOK AT WHAT I MADE!" ⁠

I promise I'll make the course worth it, but if you need more details keep scrolling...

This course is for knitters who:

1. Understand the basics of knitting.

2. Are frustrated because they can't quite find what they're looking for when searching for something to knit.

3. Have the itch to try something new but don't know where to start, or have tried to design in the past and just get stuck.

4. Have a "CAN DO" attitude! (Because seriously, what's the worst that could happen? You'll have a freaking ABSOLUTELY ONE OF A KIND SHAWL by the time you're done with this course.)

5. Most importantly, if you've read this far, that means that this course is for you. You can do it -- trust me!

Let's get down to the knitty gritty...

Aside from a community of like-minded knitters cheering you on, recorded classes that you can reference throughout, live group coaching sessions, and the opportunity for one-on-one deep dives with me to tackle even the most complicated of problems, what else do you get?

Throughout the Shawl Design Unraveled Course, you'll find:

1. My signature shawl design method. I walk you through the steps I use every single time I design a shawl -- these are all ACTIONABLE steps to get your first design started on DAY 1.

2. Fill in the blank worksheets as you knit along.

3. A one-page "cheat sheet" for four common shawl shapes and how they are cast on.

4. Printable charts for each shawl shape so you can practice charting by hand.

5. A style guide to help you write your pattern using standard knitting terms and abbreviations

6. Editable Canva templates to get your pattern looking professional and ready to sell

5. Checklists to help you prepare your pattern for technical editing, test knitting, and publishing (save you time and $$$)

5. Plus, a list of tips, tricks, and additional resources to get your new shawl design off to the races!

Shawl Design Unraveled will save you time, and get you back to KNITTING rather than staring at a blank set of needles suffering from "knitters block". Plus, new content will be "dripped" to you each week to help prevent the process from becoming overwhelming, because I know the list above sounds like a lot -- I promise, you can do it!

Put me on the waitlist!

What will you learn in each module?


The initial module will help set you up for success.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of the class
  • Recommendations for getting the most out of Shawl Design Unraveled
  • Navigating the Thinkific Platform
  • Tools that I recommend
  • How to avoid stress and overwhelm

Module 1: Inspiration and Sketching

In order to make your first design, you have to brainstorm a few ideas first!


  • Description of basic shawl shapes (and how to find resources to make more complex shawl shpes!)
  • Where to place design elements
  • Brainstorming session to sketch out five different shawl ideas
  • Calculate approximately how much yarn you will need for your shawl


Module 2: Swatching and Basic Math

Now that you have an idea, it's time to start making your idea a reality. This is where the course gets really fun!

We are going to do the following:

  • Identify the types of swatches you may want to create to save you time later on in the process
  • Basic math to estimate where to plaace design elements
  • Introduction to charting software


Module 3: Style Guide, Stitch Counts, and Charts

Now that you have your plan. It's time to start knitting. In this section we will cover everything you need to know while you are knitting your shawl.


  • Easy way to figure out your stitch counts for every row of your pattern
  • How to use charting software for your specific shawl shape
  • What notes to take while your knitting


Module 4: Pattern Writing Tips and Style Guide

In this module, you'll finally be crafting the first draft of your pattern! It's so fun to finally put your ideas on paper.

You'll learn to use a style sheet to simplify your pattern writing process (for not only this pattern, but all future patterns!)

Here is what you'll learn:

  • Introduction to your style guide
  • Writing Cast On Instructions
  • Body of the Pattern Discusion
  • Tips for Pattern Clarity and Consistency


Module 5: Next Steps

After you've written your pattern, there are a few steps to take before it's reaady for the world!

I will help you through this by providing:

  • A Canva template to create a polished final product
  • Help navigating the technical editing process
  • Tips to run a successful test knit
  • Helping you finish strong by providing tips and tricks to actually publishing your pattern!

Module 6: Resources and Bonuses

This is where you will find all your awesome resources and bonuses in one place for you to use whenever you want!

  • Checklists for all steps of the pattern publishing process
  • A guide to third-party submissions and requesting yarn support
  • Fill-in-the-blank style guide to make pattern writing easy
  • Customizable Canva templates

But, wait. Why should you trust me?

Picture me yelling "I can be your hero, babbaaayyy!"

I'm Ashleigh, an Air Force Veteran with a day job as a Process Enineer, mom, wife, and finder of all things hiding in plain sight, plus I'm the author of the Amazon bestselling book Mosaic Knitting Workshop, and I've designed over fifty knitting patterns in the last five years!

I've been eating checklists for breakfast for the last decade (not literally - I prefer a toasted English muffin with peanut butter).

I've got an obsession with knitting and a knack for writting checklists and roadmaps (weird talent, I know). Shawls are my jam - I've designed more shawls than I know what to do with, and I love helping other knitters and designers make the shawls of their dreams!

I know exactly what it takes to publish a successful knitting pattern -- it's HARD and TIME CONSUMING.

But, I've developed a few strategies to make the process easier and quicker -- so I can spend more time knitting, drinking a cup of reheated cofee (because who drinks their coffee on the first go around when you have a preschooler?), and likely watching Frozen 2 (again!) with my daughter.

If you have ANY questions, and I mean ANY questions about Shawl Design Unraveled, send me an email ( and I would love to answer them for you!

Now, if you've read this far, it means you're likely intrigued... So, rather than explain in more words, here are some jawdropping examples of shawls that students like you have made in past cohorts of shawl design unraveled...

They're gorgeous, aren't they?!?

Frequently Asked Questions

I've never designed a knitting pattern before -- is this course right for me?

This course is perfect for you! Shawl Design Unraveled was created with brand new designers in mind. If you can knit and purl, you'll do just fine in this course.

But, I do recommend that my students have knit a shawl before using someone elses pattern -- a bit of experience will help make the entire course easier!

How is Shawl Design Unraveled delivered?

Shawl Design Unraveled is an online course that you can access on your computer or mobile device.

You will have access to all modules and resources when you sign up, and you will have lifetime access to all the content that will allow you to work at a pace that suits you and your lifestyle.

Each lesson contains a video, and many lessons include PDF resources to support your learning. You can download all learning materials onto your device if you prefer.

You will have the opportunity to attend six live weekly Zoom sessions where I will answer any questions or topics that students seem stuck on that week. We all have busy schedules, so Zoom sessions are recorded, so you can access at a later time in case you can't attend.

Finally, you'll have access to a Community, or group chat, where you can ask questions, post pictures, and cheer your fellow students on for the six weeks that the course is in session.  

You will have the ability to stay in the Community even when the six weeks are over, and will be able tto attend any live Zoom sessions I host for future cohorts of Shawl Design Unraveled.

I have no plans to retire Shawl Design Unraveled, but if I do, I will be sure to let you know well in advance so you can download any course material that you would like.

Will I have lifetime access to the course material?

Yes! You will have lifetime access to the course material, and can download it onto your device.

You will be able to be a part of the Community until you choose to leave. It will be most active during the six "official" weeks of the course, but feel free to stick around afterwards!

In the event that I retire Shawl Design Unraveled (I have no plans to at this time), I will give you plenty of advance notice so you can gather any material that you may want.

My schedule is packed! Am I going to be able to find time to take the course?

This course is designed to give you material over the course of six weeks, as that is a way to have an active and thriving community over the course material and live Zoom conversations over the topic of the week. But, you will have lifetime access to the course (and any future updates), so you can work at your own pace whenever you can fit it into your schedule.

I'm not good at math! Will this course be too advanced for me?

Most math used in this course is fairly simple, and we usually use a worksheet or Spreadsheet to break it down. If you do happen to get stuck, you can ask questions in the Community, or during a weekly live Q&A session!

Will I be able to make my investment in the course back through designing patterns?

This completely depends on you! I will be the first to admit that selling patterns can be hard work, especially when you are first starting out and don't have a large audience. BUT I am providing you with several resources that can help you recoup the costs of the course.

  • A guide to submitting to third party publications and requesting yarn support --third party publications are a great way to make a bit of money up front for your pattern. Usually once you turn your pattern into the third-party, you'll recieve compensation for your pattern, and the third-party will tech edit, photograph, and publish your pattern. Once a certain time period is up (usually six months, or one year), you often have the oppportunity to publish the pattern under your name. This way you make a guaranteed sum of money up front for your pattern, you save money on tech editing and photography, plus you can publish your pattern and make more sales! But, you need a great submission to get your name in the door -- I help provide tips and tricks to get you started! Plus, I provide advice for requesting yarn support (hello, free yarn!).
  • Checklists for the tech editing, test knitting, and publishing process -- checklists help ensure you save money when tech editing because they help remove/eliminate easy errors in your pattern, and the other checklists will save you lots of time and headaches when it comes to publishing your pattern!

What if Shawl Design Unraveled doesn't work for me?

Shawl Design Unraveled is the course for you if you are committed to learning how to design your first knitting pattern (in shawl form!).

If, within the first 30 days of the class, you don't feel as if the course is preparing you adequately to design your first shawl, just send me an email, show me you've put in the work, and I'll refund your investment, no questions asked (okay, I might ask a couple of questions, but just so I can make the course better in the future!).

I’ll be that creative BFF in your back pocket, the Donkey to your Shrek, the Genie to your Aladdin, Olaf to your Elsa (I’ve got a kindergartener and a one-year old, the only movie references I remember are Disney movies!) — I’ll be the guide to your shawl design dreams and give you CONFIDENCE, CLARITY, and a PATH FORWARD.

Registration begins on September 15th and the course Kicks off on September 30th...Are you READY?

Put me on the waitlist!