Register for Shawl Design Unraveled TODAY!

Shawl Design Unraveled + One-On-One Coaching
Shawl Design Unraveled + One-On-One Coaching
Shawl Design Unraveled + One-On-One Coaching

Shawl Design Unraveled + One-On-One Coaching

Regular price $397.00
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If you have a hankering for designing a knit shawl but don't know where to begin, you've come to the right place!

Shawl Design Unraveled is a premium course that combines a fill-in-the-blank workbook, weekly online classes, a supportive community, and weekly group coaching sessions to take you from "I don't know what I'm doing!" to "Holy cow! Look at what I made" in just six weeks!

Plus, you have the opportunity to schedule two one hour sessions with me to work through any areas that you might need a bit of extra attention (we'll make sure your pattern is AMAZING in these sessions!). 

Things we can cover in these sessions include (but honestly the sky's the limit!):

  • Deep dive into charting software
  • Ways to make your pattern easier to read
  • Finding test knitters or a technical editor
  • Overcoming feelings of comparisonitis or perfectionism

Once you sign up for the course and one-on-one coaching sessions, you'll receive an e-mail with a welcome message (be sure to open it up!) and a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be easy and will really help me to get to know you better and help me tailor the course.

Then, on March 18th, check your email again for a personalized message, your workbook, and all the details on how to get started in our virtual community and sign up for your one-on-one sessions!

I can't wait to see you there!

This option is to join the course and add on two individualized coaching sessions -- if you want to register for just the course click here.